Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bike ride calorie burn contrasted with car driving costs

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This was a really nice 12.7 mile bike ride I did today in little less than an hour. There was one climb on Stevens Creek that I just could not surmount and had to walk my bike. I think I burnt 500+ calories atleast.

So now, how much do you think it costs to
drive one roundtrip mile. Included in this depreciation of the car due to that one extra mile driven, insurance cost, etc.
My back of the envelope calculation gives me about $1 per "roundtrip" mile which means that if you decide to spice up your life and live in the city instead of the insipid south bay, you'd be spending 35 bucks to just drive once to and from work! Much better to take public transport then, even if Caltrain starts costing a little more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good one :)